Izložba Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre – Collective exhibition of members of the association Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre

Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na skupnu
izložbu umjetnika koji djeluju u sklopu udruge Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre
pod nazivom Paris – Rijeka
Otvorenje izložbe bit će
u petak, 21. 06. 2024. u 20 sati.
Izložba ostaje otvorena do 6. 07. 2024.
Galerija Juraj Klović,
Rijeka, Verdijeva 19 b
Radno vrijeme: od 10 do 13 i od 17 do 20 sati, subotom od 10 do 13 sati, nedjeljom zatvoreno.

Collective exhibition of members of the association Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre

Skupna izložba članova udruge Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre pod nazivom  Paris – Rijeka

Projekt je nastao u suradnji HDLU Rijeka i Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre profesionalne likovne udruge iz Pariza. Francusku izložbu čini radovi renomiranih  umjetnika  iz Pariza.

To su:  Rémy Aron, Pascale Blaizot, Ronan Canal, Laurence Dubaut, Marie-Lyne Ersine, Dominique Fillières, Bénédicte Gerin, Yona Grandjean, Natalie Miel, Jean de Lardemelle, Nadée, Éric Perrin i Nina Urlichs.

Razmjena izložbi i iskustva u središtu je koncept udruge Les 4 Arts – Paris Center od njezina osnutka 1995.  Njihov je cilj širenje kulture i povezivanje umjetnika. Svake druge godine njihova udruga predstavi likovne umjetnike, kolege iz neke druge zemlje i do sada ostvarili su suradnju sa : Litvom, Austrijom, Španjolskom, Poljskom, Njemačkom … U ovoj godini kada je Pariz grad domaćin Olimpijskih igara želja nam je predstaviti njihove radove u Rijeci.

O izložbi:
Predstavljeni radovi u mediju su slikarstva i fotografije, sasvim različiti, a opet u simbiozi i sveukupnosti donose nam jednu novu energiju i smišljeni zajednički koncept. Njihovim poimanjem možemo raspoznati elemente u kojima možemo pronaći jednu zajedničku poetiku i otvorenost.

U djelima  Rémy Aron, Pascale Blaizot, Dominique Fillières, Natalie Miel i Éric Perrin likovni izraz kreće se u rasponu od figuracije; figure i krajolika, preko metafizičkih i lirskih prikaza. Fantastični prizori nose posebnosti začudnih atmosfera sa elementima snoviđenja i fantastike. Čovjek je nagoviješten i njegovo se prisustvo osjeća kroz same objekte i izmaštanu stvarnost urbanih asocijacija. Krajolici gradova više predstavljaju njihove intepretacije, kao i sam osjet, doživljaj pojedinca koji njima prolazi. Kroz njih osjeća se senzibilitet umjetnika, njegova kreativnost i različitost.

Radovi Ronan Canala prikazuju prirodne priče u kojima su svjetovi snova i stvarnosti isprepleteni, a bogatstvo simbola i asocijativnosti povezuje nas sa elementima prirode; životinja i šume. Sama izrada rada obuhvaća različitosti materijala i tehnika.

Marie-Lyne Ersine s druge strane predstavlja se sa fotografijama prirode koje nas osvajaju nesumnjivu jasno i direktno odabranim kadrovima životinja.
Bénédicte Gerin i Yona Grandjean kolorističkim arabeskama stvaraju apstraktnu igru, elegantnu i profinjenu. Spajajući kaligrafiju i slikarstvo na jedinstven umjetnički način one dobivaju ritmične i dinamične kompozicije u kojima se pokret ruke manifestira kroz kodove novih pisama. I dok gesta Benedicte Gerin strastveno izražava pokret i energiju, Yona Grandjean sigurno i precizno oblikuje kompoziciju u biranom koloritu crne i tamne crvene boje.

Umjetnici Jean de Lardemelle i Nadée svoju inspiraciju traže u dalekim gradovima  u poetičnim i snenim putovanjima. Dominacija svjetlosne igre poput slagalica stvara apstraktne, odnosno grafičke znakove. Esencija svijetla različita je, kompaktna i razigrana u ornamentima Jeana de Lardermella, dok je kod slikarice Nadée ona rasplinuta i zračna, neuhvatljiva poput odraza na vodi. Laurence Dubaut sliku stvara finim tkanjem prepleta igrajući se našom iluzijom, kontrasti izmedju svjetlosnih raspona stvaraju ritam urbanih melodija.

Nina Urlichs u svojim kolažiranim djelima naglašava senzibilitet i kontemplaciju portretirajući ženu i njezin odnos prema okolini.  Brze, slobodna crvena linija središnji je element i predstavlja oslobođenje od perfekcionizma, sirove ljepote i nametnutih vrijednosti suvremenog društva.

Gallery Juraj Klović, Rijeka, from June 21 to July 6, 2024 collective exhibition of members of the association Les 4 Arts – Paris Centre called Paris – Rijeka

The opening of the exhibition will be on Friday, June 21, 2024 at 8 p.mThe project was created in cooperation between HDLU Rijeka and Les 4 Arts – Paris Center, a professional art association from Paris. The French exhibition consists of works of renowned artists from Paris. They are: Rémy Aron, Pascale Blaizot, Ronan Canal, Laurence Dubaut, Marie-Lyne Ersine, Dominique Fillières, Bénédicte Gerin, Yona Grandjean, Natalie Miel, Jean de Lardemelle, Nadée, Éric Perrin and Nina Urlichs.

The exchange of exhibitions and experiences has been at the heart of the concept of the association Les 4 Arts – Paris Center since its foundation in 1995. Their goal is to spread culture and connect artists. Every other year, their association presents fine artists, colleagues from another country and so far they have cooperated with: Lithuania, Austria, Spain, Poland, Germany… In this year when Paris is the host city of the Olympic Games, we wish to present their works in Rijeka.

About the exhibition:
The presented works are in the medium of paintings and photographs, quite different, yet in symbiosis and totalities, bring us a new energy and a thought-out common concept. By their understanding we can recognize elements in which we can find a common poetics and openness.

In the works of Rémy Aron, Pascale Blaizot, Dominique Fillières, Natalie Miel and Éric Perrin, artistic expression ranges within the scope of  figuration; figures and landscapes, through metaphysical and lyrical representations. Fantastic scenes bear the peculiarities of strange atmospheres with elements of dreams and fantasy. Man is foreshadowed and its presence is felt through the objects themselves and the imagined reality of urban associations. Landscapes of cities rather,  represent their interpretations, as well as the sensation itself, the experience of the individual who passes through them. Sensibility of the artist, his creativity and diversity can be felt inside the artwork.

Ronan Canal’s works depict natural stories in which the worlds of dreams and reality are intertwined, and the wealth of symbols and associations connects us with the elements of nature; animals and forests. The very creation of work includes different materials and techniques. Marie-Lyne Ersine, on the other hand, presents herself with photographs of nature that captivate us undoubtedly by clearly and directly selected frames of animals.

Bénédicte Gerin and Yona Grandjean create an abstract game with colorful arabesques, elegant and refined. Combining calligraphy and painting in a unique artistic way gives them rhythmic and dynamic compositions in which the movement of the hand is manifested through the codes of new letters. And while the gesture of Benedicte Gerin passionately expresses movement and energy, Yona Grandjean shapes safely and precisely composition in selected colors of black and dark red.

Artists Jean de Lardemelle and Nadée look for their inspiration in distant cities in poetic and dream trips. The dominance of the play of light, like puzzles, creates abstract, that is, graphic signs. The essence of light is different, compact and playful in Jean de Lardermell’s ornaments, while in the case of the painter Nadée, it is stretched and airy, elusive like a reflection on water. Laurence Dubaut creates the picture by fine weaving interlacing, playing with our illusion, the contrasts between light ranges create the rhythm of urban melodies.

In her collage works, Nina Urlichs emphasizes sensibility and contemplation by portraying a woman and its relationship to the environment. The fast, free red line is the central element and represents freedom from perfectionism, raw beauty and imposed values of modern society.