Pulski slikar Robert Pauletta rođen je 2. veljače 1961. Srednju umjetničku školu pod voditeljstvom Ivana Obrovca pohađa u Puli. Diplomirao je slikarstvo na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 1985. godine u klasi prof. Ferdinanda Kulmera. Od 1983. do 1985. surađuje u atelijeru Ede Murtića. 1987. godine jedan je od osnivača HDLU Pule, kasnije HDLU Istre.
Od 1991.- 2003. radi kao profesor na Školi primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna u Puli; jedan je od osnivača te škole.
2003. . godine, u studenom, osniva se MMC LUKA gdje kao voditelj priređuje niz kulturnih zbivanja.
2007. u izdanju HDLU-Istre izlazi monografija o umjetnikovom radu.
2009. postaje član HZSU–a. i posvećuje se isključivi profesionalnom umjetničkom radu.
2003. osniva Umjetničku organizaciju Robot, te u Puli s kolegama Bojanom Šumonjom i Teom Bičić pokreće rad galerije POOLA.
Sudjelovao je na mnogobrojnim skupnim izložbama i bijenalima. Samostalno je izlagao 100-tinjak puta u glasovitim galerijama i muzejima Hrvatske i inozemstva.
Rober Pauletta was born in Pula on February 2, 1961. He graduated from the Department of Interior Design at the high school which later became the School of Applied Arts. The Department was run by professor Ivan Obrovac whose influence was crucial in the artistic development not only of Pauletta, but also of a whole generation of future Istrian artists.
Pauletta graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1985, at the Painting Department, in the class of professor Kulmer.
From 1983 to 1986 he was an assistant in Edo Murtić’s atelier.
He is active as an individual artist for some years after the academy.
From 1991 to 2003 he teaches professional subjects and the theory of design at the School of Applied Arts and Design in Pula.
In 2004 he takes up the leading position at the newly founded MMC Luka where, aided by his cooperators, he organized a series of artistic events covering a wide area of cultural activity.
Since 2009 he returns to his activity of professional artist.
His artistic biography numbers over 50 individual and 100 group exhibitions both in the country and abroad.